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How policy experiments can reduce the available solution space for water and soil-driven policy rather than expand it.

LOSS researcher Mandy van den Ende published a new paper in Water Governance (in Dutch, translated here):

The ever-growing number of environmental problems that are given the ‘crisis’ label in the Netherlands is the result of a traditionally boundless belief in the malleability of the physical environment. Now that it is becoming increasingly clear that this way of thinking and acting with regard to spatial planning is indeed reaching its limits, there is a growing awareness that things must be done differently. This realisation is also reflected in the ambition of the parliamentary letter of 25 November 2022 to let the water and soil system guide (WBS) spatial decisions.

The original Dutch title is: Hoe experimenteren de beschikbare oplossingsruimte van water- en bodem sturend beleid kan verkleinen in plaats van vergroten.