News & Events

SPAMS: A new empirical model for soft soil surface displacement based on meteorological input data
LOSS researchers Philip Conroy and Ramon Hanssen published a new paper in Geoderma:. They present SPAMS: Simple Parameterization for the Motion of Soils, a model to describe the motion of deformable soils in the Vadose zone, mainly peat and clay, herein called shallow soft soils. The SPAMS model estimates the reversible and irreversible vertical component…
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Disentangling Shallow Subsidence Sources by Data Assimilation in a Reclaimed Urbanized Coastal Plain, South Flevoland Polder, the Netherlands
LOSS researchers Manon Verberne, Kay Koster, and Peter Fokker published a new paper in JGR Earth Surface: This research targets disentangling shallow causes of anthropogenically induced subsidence in a reclaimed and urbanized coastal plain. The study area is the city of Almere, in the South Flevoland polder, the Netherlands, which is among the countries’ fastest…
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Facilitating professional normative judgement through science-policy interfaces: the case of anthropogenic land subsidence in the Netherlands
LOSS researchers Dries Hegger, Peter Driessen, and Esther Stouthamer published a new paper in Legal Ethics: Science-policy interactions can both facilitate and hamper professional normative judgement, i.e. a value judgement about the desirability of a certain situation. Anthropogenic land subsidence, contributing to relative sea-level rise in the economically important Western peatland areas in the Netherlands…
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LOSS PhD students Manon Verberne and Philip Conroy win prizes at TISOLS 2023 conference
PhD students Manon Verberne (working on WP 1.2) and Philip Conroy (working in WP 1.1) won the joint second and first prize, respectively, in the Frans Barends Awards that were awarded during the TISOLS 2023 conference. Congratulations to Manon and Philip on their wins, and to all nominees for their impressive work.
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LOSS presentations at the TISOLS 2023 conference
The TISOLS 2023 conference was held from Monday 17 April to Friday 21 April in Delft. Many LOSS researchers were present and presenting, and you can find the videos below: Esther Stouthamer (twice) Bente Lexmond Duygu Tolunay Gilles Erkens (three times, one with Esther Stouthamer listed above) Erne Blondeau Mandy Korff Peter Fokker Kim de…
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Third LOSS Consortium Day
The third LOSS consortium day will be held on Friday 10 March 2023. All LOSS partners have received an invitation, more info will follow. The event will be held in Dutch, just like the previous consortium day.
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LOSS kickoff meeting
The kickoff meeting of the Living on Soft Soils project was held on Friday, September 25. We met our stakeholders, exchange knowledge, and discussed how we will search for solution to soil subsidence.
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Probabilistic Estimation of InSAR Displacement Phase Guided by Contextual Information and Artificial Intelligence
LOSS researchers Philip Conroy, Gilles Erkens, and Ramon Hanssen published a paper in IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
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Second LOSS Consortium Day
LOSS partners met on April 1st 2022 to discuss interim findings and future pathways for soils subsidence.
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Two new postdocs in LOSS
Living on Soft Soils hired two new postdocs, who will be working jointly on work package 4.1
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